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Product Info360 Insight
Created by Guest
Created on May 11, 2021

I&I BizBlock for Wastewater Collection and Transmission

To be able to use SCADA/RTU volume readings from either gravity area/velocity meters or Lift Stations (with diameter and float level readings) to calculate volume. Then there a few statistical steps to sperate Inflow from Infiltration. Additionally, the calculation needs to be able to remove other contributing lift station flow, should lift station 2 and 3 flow into lift station 1. Process should be able to process 5 or 1 million calculations within one block with vertical hierarchy built in. Needs to also summarize GIS data to product a Volume/diameter/foot value if so desired by client. This helps in IAP with pricing too. The electronic calculated tag value from Insights needs to be identified to be utilized within IAP's Rehabilitation plan.

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