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Status For Review
Product InfoWater Pro
Categories Productivity
Created by Colin Ricks
Created on Jan 24, 2024

Improvements to "Edit Attributes" table

The "Edit Attributes" window (accessed by using the "Edit Selection" or "Edit Domain" buttons) is a useful table to quickly view and edit all the physical information for each facility type together. However, it has some useability issues that somewhat defeat this purpose.

  1. It is difficult to remember the icons to show/hide the Geometry, Information, Modeling, and Output fields. The icons should have a label to go with them so the user can see at a glance what each one does. Or maybe replace with a set of checkboxes.

  2. The window should remember the last state that it was opened in. For example, if the user clicked the icons to show only Information and Modeling fields, then those choices should be remembered when the window is next opened.

  3. The table should have all the same editing options as the DB editor (add row, field statistics, add custom fields, save to selection, add to domain, etc).

  4. Consider synchronizing the view state across facility types. If only Geometry and Information fields are shown on the Junctions table, then maybe the same settings should apply to the other facilities.

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