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Product InfoWater Pro
Created by Joe Lawrence
Created on Apr 15, 2021

Allow Customized Reports to Also Include Standard and Fireflow Results - Just Have One Result Table

Currently all model element information and results are separated between the DB Editor, Customizable Report, and Output Report/Graph. This is confusing and hard to export specific information together without having to combine it later in Excel or GIS. The main frustration is that the “Standard” or “Design Fireflow” in the Output Report/Graph results are completely separate from other information related to the model elements. As an example, it would be nice to export all fire flow results for junctions alongside any custom fields made in the DB Editor for easy referencing. In short, instead of having three types of tables and reports (DB Editor, Customizable, and Output), have one customizable table where the user can select which fields and output results to display.
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  • Joe Lawrence
    Jul 21, 2021
    Additionally, the "Edit Domain" or "Edit Selection" tool is nice, but it also opens up a completely different table. Could you make ONE table that can view everything and easily edit what is in the domain or selection?