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Product InfoWater Pro
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Created by Guest
Created on May 7, 2020

Smarter UDF Flush Sequence Manager Operations tab selection tools

When using the UDF Flush Sequence Manager Operations tab [Close >], [Open >], or [Remove >] selection tools, I would like to receive the error "WARNING: Node ### is not in the Selection Set 'VALVES'" less often. Currently you must zoom in and only select the node you wish to change the state of; any other nodes included in the selection that are not in the relevant selection set will cause this error to pop up. When using [Close >], the tool should only recognize valves whose current state is set to Open, and should close all selected valves, ignoring selections not in the Valve selection set. When using [Open >], the tool should only recognize valves whose current state is Closed, and open all valves that meet that criteria, ignoring selections not in the Valve selection set. When using [Remove >], the tool should only recognize selections in the Valve selection set that are represented in the list of already defined operations, and remove all that are selected. Similarly for the Primary hydrant ID selection tool: it should ignore all selections not in the Hydrant selection set, and only throw up an error if multiple valid hydrants are selected. The flush sequence manager generally requires you to be zoomed out to see the whole sequence and its results, and then the selection tools make you zoom in to make very precise selections to avoid this error.
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